- 9:00–16:00
- +420 603 528 584
- obchod@jsmoto.cz
- www.jsmoto.cz/
- Ústecká 678, 403 17 Chabařovice
Volvo car AUTO IN
- 7:00–17:00
- +420 733 506 428
- poptavka@autoin.cz
- www.autoin.cz
- Podhoří 363/4, 400 10 Ústí nad Labem, Všebořice
Louda Auto, a.s.
- 7:00–18:00
- +420 325 400 600
- auto@louda.cz
- autolouda.cz
- Srbice 96, 415 01
Fcar Louny s.r.o.
- 8:00–11:30, 12:00–17:00
- +420 777 337 729
- fcarlouny@seznam.cz
- fcar.cz
- Rybalkova 2128, 440 01 Louny
TOP autosklo
- 8:00–16:30
- +420 737 306 080
- no email
- autosklo.top
- Hrázní 3165, 415 01 Teplice
Auto Horejsek
- 7:00–17:00
- +420 412 589 916
- vedeni@dc.horejsek.cz
- www.auto-horejsek.cz/
- Oblouková 1416/9, 405 02 Děčín I-Děčín
Autosalon ASAS KIA
- 8:00–18:00
- +420 775 588 420
- asas.prodej@asas-most.cz
- www.kia.com/cz/dealer/asas/
- Hraniční 2, 435 02 Most, Souš
- 8:00–17:00
- +420 777 783 950
- info@autocentrumbilina.cz
- www.autocentrumbilina.cz
- Fišerova 76/14, 418 01 Bílina, Mostecké Předměstí
AUTOTIP servis, s.r.o.
- 7:00–17:00
- +420 475 200 000
- vozy@ul.autotipservis.cz
- www.autotipservis.cz/
- Jateční 1007/6, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem, Klíše
LUMA Litvínov s.r.o.
- 7:00–15:30
- +420 731 886 655
- info@lumalitvinov.cz
- www.lumalitvinov.cz
- Nádražní 2193, 436 01 Horní Litvínov
FINASO, s.r.o.
- 8:00–16:00
- +420 416 533 078
- info@finaso.cz
- www.finaso.cz
- Velemín 198, 411 31
- 9:00–12:00, 13:00–17:00
- +420 606 606 120
- autohanousek@seznam.cz
- autohanousek.cz
- Havraň 89, 435 01
Seasonal tire shift rule in Czech Republic
Navigating Winter Roads: The Importance of Winter Tires in the Czech Republic As the winter season approaches, drivers in the Czech Republic are reminded of the critical importance of equipping their vehicles with winter tires. From November 1 to March 31, the law mandates the use of winter tires under certain conditions, emphasizing not only…
Car painting tips
Painting a car requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Here are some essential tips to ensure a successful car paint job:
All about STK – stanice technické kontroly
Technická kontrola (STK), also known as vehicle inspection, is a mandatory requirement for all motor vehicles in the Czech Republic. Let’s delve into the details: Remember, STK ensures your vehicle’s safety and compliance, so embrace it as part of responsible car ownership!Find auto services that perform STK preparation and STK tests by clicking here.