- +420 734 309 544
- pujcovnaforest@seznam.cz
- www.forestclassic.cz
- Příseka 135, 582 91
- +420 724 041 783
- vsetecka@b-service.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Jiřice 197, 396 01
- +420 603 989 249
- no email
- www.autoservis-telc.cz
- Štěpnická 60, 588 56 Telč-Štěpnice
- +420 603 603 603
- no email
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Pražská 174, 676 02 Moravské Budějovice
- +420 602 887 666
- info@autoroseckysro.cz
- www.autoroseckysro.cz
- Jamská 2436/5, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou 1
- +420 776 663 080
- info@autopresto.cz
- www.autopresto.cz
- Stonařov 236, 588 33
- +420 725 885 498
- info@trans-spedit.cz
- www.trans-spedit.cz
- Dopravní 1040, 676 02 Moravské Budějovice
- +420 607 750 282
- standa.radina@seznam.cz
- www.radina.byl.cz
- Želiv 180, 394 44
- +420 731 276 588
- servis.furya@gmail.com
- www.facebook.com/people/Pneuautoservis-Furya-Jihlava/100091947012815/
- Rantířovská 4792/2, 586 01 Jihlava
- +420 723 415 749
- no email
- www.srnecjemnice.cz
- Polická 176, 675 31 Jemnice
- +420 777 003 315
- jasa@dzs.trnet.cz
- www.autosluzbyjasa.cz
- Janáčkovo stromořadí 68/5, 674 01 Třebíč, Jejkov
- +420 567 587 567
- adj@adj.cz
- www.adj.cz
- Romana Havelky 315/19a, 586 01 Jihlava, Staré Hory
Seasonal tire shift rule in Czech Republic
Navigating Winter Roads: The Importance of Winter Tires in the Czech Republic As the winter season approaches, drivers in the Czech Republic are reminded of the critical importance of equipping their vehicles with winter tires. From November 1 to March 31, the law mandates the use of winter tires under certain conditions, emphasizing not only…
Car painting tips
Painting a car requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Here are some essential tips to ensure a successful car paint job:
All about STK – stanice technické kontroly
Technická kontrola (STK), also known as vehicle inspection, is a mandatory requirement for all motor vehicles in the Czech Republic. Let’s delve into the details: Remember, STK ensures your vehicle’s safety and compliance, so embrace it as part of responsible car ownership!Find auto services that perform STK preparation and STK tests by clicking here.