Jaroslav Košťál
- 7:30–17:00
- +420 606 991 947
- jaroslav.kostal@tiscali.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Žlutická 431, 364 01 Toužim
Autoservis Wodvi
- 8:00–16:30
- +420 775 038 334
- wodvi@seznam.cz
- www.wodviunion.cz
- Vysoká Pec 191, 362 21
LIGNETA servis, s.r.o.
- schedule no data
- +420 602 337 578
- servis@boschservice.cz
- www.boschservice.cz
- Mírová 144, 357 35
RM servisní a stavební práce
- 8:00–16:00
- +420 776 099 033
- romanservis@seznam.cz
- www.rmstavby.cz
- Československé armády 508, 357 33 Loket
Autoservis TOP TRANS LINE s.r.o.
- schedule no data
- +420 226 015 193
- a.pasek@toptransline.cz
- www.toptransline.cz
- Karla Hynka Máchy 2230, 356 01 Sokolov
Radim Macura
- 8:00–16:00
- +420 608 024 397
- pneu.macura@seznam.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Sportovní 578/4, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Drahovice
Alternátory a Startéry Hůlka
- 8:00–15:00
- +420 723 682 395
- as.hulka@seznam.cz
- www.alternatorykv.cz/
- Hlavní 81/31, 362 63 Dalovice
Jaroslav Císař
- 8:00–12:00, 13:00–16:00
- +420 777 839 962
- no email
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- J. Mařáka 4, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Olšová Vrata
Vladimír Tysl
- 8:00–17:00
- +420 725 112 632
- najkelachim@seznam.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Na Vlečce 60, 360 01 Otovice
K.S. autoservis
- 8:30–16:00
- +420 720 119 451
- no email
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Zelená 183, 353 01 Valy
Autoservis – Pneuservis Miroslav Skalický
- 9:30–16:30
- +420 602 100 664
- no email
- www.mujweb.cz/autoodtah
- Ostrov, Dolní Žďár 75, 363 01
- 8:00–16:30
- +420 777 672 063
- LK@autokejval.cz
- autokejval.cz
- Na Stezce 465/1, 360 04 Karlovy Vary, Bohatice
Seasonal tire shift rule in Czech Republic
Navigating Winter Roads: The Importance of Winter Tires in the Czech Republic As the winter season approaches, drivers in the Czech Republic are reminded of the critical importance of equipping their vehicles with winter tires. From November 1 to March 31, the law mandates the use of winter tires under certain conditions, emphasizing not only…
Car painting tips
Painting a car requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Here are some essential tips to ensure a successful car paint job:
All about STK – stanice technické kontroly
Technická kontrola (STK), also known as vehicle inspection, is a mandatory requirement for all motor vehicles in the Czech Republic. Let’s delve into the details: Remember, STK ensures your vehicle’s safety and compliance, so embrace it as part of responsible car ownership!Find auto services that perform STK preparation and STK tests by clicking here.