Yuriy Manovytsky
- Closed
- +420 608 925 845
- no email
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Černilov 89, 503 43
Milan Hercík
- schedule no data
- +420 604 858 341
- hercik.milan@tiscali.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Šmeralova 376/8, 500 02 Hradec Králové, Pražské Předměstí
Michal Jahna
- 8:00–16:00
- +420 777 175 460
- michal.jahna@centrum.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Jiráskova 1404, 503 46 Třebechovice pod Orebem
Autoservis Valský
- schedule no data
- +420 777 801 660
- no email
- www.auto-valsky.cz
- K Dolíkám 116/3, 503 11 Hradec Králové, Svobodné Dvory
Josef Bouček – Autoservis
- 8:00–16:00
- +420 774 191 594
- boucek.josef@seznam.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Koutníkova 581/46, 503 01 Hradec Králové, Plotiště nad Labem
Doktor Důlek, s.r.o.
- 8:00–16:00
- +420 604 204 133
- servis@doktor-dulek.cz
- doktor-dulek.cz
- Pospíšilova 1236/18a, 500 03 Hradec Králové
Bořek Petráček
- 8:00–11:00, 11:30–15:30
- +420 724 921 571
- no email
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Blešno 58, 503 46
R.S.CAR a.s.
- 8:00–17:00
- +420 602 406 180
- info@dodge-cz.com
- www.dodge-cz.com
- Všestary, Bříza 93, 503 12
Zdeněk Pavlíček
- schedule no data
- +420 606 460 669
- no email
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- K Dolíkám 94/1, 503 11 Hradec Králové, Svobodné Dvory
Autoopravna Jiří Trnka
- schedule no data
- +420 604 440 598
- jiri.trnka66@gmail.com
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Hradecká 1771/14, 500 12 Nový Hradec Králové
Autoservis Bradna
- 8:00–17:00
- +420 495 445 353
- m.bradna@tiscali.cz
- www.autoservis-bradna.cz
- Králíky, Podoliby 22, 503 15
- 9:00–17:00
- +420 724 176 126
- servisvozu.eu@gmail.com
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Mlékosrby 53, 503 51
How to choose winter tires
Choosing the best winter tires can make a significant difference in your driving safety and comfort during the colder months. Here are some key factors to consider: By considering these factors, you can choose the best winter tires for your vehicle and driving conditions. Stay safe on the roads this winter! 🚗❄️ Sources: : Auto…
Tyre size guide
Choosing the right tyre size for your vehicle is crucial for ensuring safety, performance, and fuel efficiency. Tyres are the only point of contact between your vehicle and the road, so having the correct size and type of tyre can make a significant difference in how your vehicle handles and operates. When it comes to…
Seasonal tire shift rule in Czech Republic
Navigating Winter Roads: The Importance of Winter Tires in the Czech Republic As the winter season approaches, drivers in the Czech Republic are reminded of the critical importance of equipping their vehicles with winter tires. From November 1 to March 31, the law mandates the use of winter tires under certain conditions, emphasizing not only…