Karel Klášterka
- 7:30–17:00
- +420 606 529 129
- klasterka.auto@seznam.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Koldinova 166, 339 01 Klatovy II
- 7:00–12:00, 13:00–16:30
- +420 604 262 127
- sykoservis@gmail.com
- sykoservisstraz.webnode.cz
- Stráž 299, 348 02
Autoopravna Martin Brožka
- Based on phone agreement
- +420 604 254 476
- autoopravnabrozka@seznam.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Bolevecká náves 14/19, 323 00 Plzeň, Bolevec
AUTOELEKTRO – Miroslav Šubrt
- 10:00–17:00
- +420 606 907 165
- info@autoelectric.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Plzeňská 145, 332 09 Štěnovice
Autoservis Alfa Romeo – dílny Průcha
- 8:00–12:00, 13:00–17:00
- +420 377 972 169
- aaa.alfa@seznam.cz
- alfaomegaservis.cz
- Vstiš 5, 334 41
Autodílna Jiří Vlček
- 8:30–16:30
- +420 607 982 313
- autodilnavlcek@seznam.cz
- www.autodilnasusice.cz
- Hrádek 210, 342 01
Jaroslav Kudra
- schedule no data
- +420 739 338 521
- no email
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Na Řežábu 409, 332 03 Šťáhlavy
Autolakovna Diviš
- schedule no data
- +420 603 230 084
- autolakovna.color@tiscali.cz
- www.autolakovna-divis.cz
- Pražská 1106, 337 01 Rokycany, Nové Město
- 7:00–12:00, 13:00–16:00
- +420 777 346 506
- frantisek.janous@seznam.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Osvobozených politických vězňů 588, 330 23 Nýřany
- 8:00–17:00
- +420 774 425 530
- info@harexal.cz
- www.harexal.cz
- Halže 307, 347 01
Autoslužby Petr Kroa
- 8:00–12:00, 13:00–17:00
- +420 777 004 848
- petrkroa@seznam.cz
- www.kroa.cz
- Bezděkov 232, 339 01
Autoservis Dražek
- 8:00–17:30
- +420 724 762 580
- jakubdrazek@seznam.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Zahradní 444, 341 92 Kašperské Hory
The Rise of Subscription-Based Car Maintenance Services
The automotive industry is witnessing a paradigm shift, with subscription-based car maintenance services emerging as a prominent trend. This innovative approach to vehicle care is revolutionizing the way car owners manage and maintain their vehicles, offering convenience, predictability, and value. Let’s explore why this model is gaining popularity and what it means for the future…
DIY car maintenance: What you can (and can’t) do at home
Performing your own car maintenance can be an empowering way to save money, learn new skills, and take better care of your vehicle. However, there’s a fine line between what’s safe and manageable for a DIY enthusiast and what’s best left to the experts. Here’s a clear breakdown of what you can confidently tackle at…
Extending Your Car’s Lifespan Through Regular Maintenance
Your car is more than just a means of transportation—it’s an investment, a travel companion, and sometimes even a lifeline. Taking good care of it can help you save money on repairs, maintain its performance, and extend its lifespan. Here’s how you can ensure your car stays in excellent condition for years to come. 1.…