- +420 602 162 502
- no email
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Jáchymovská 175, 363 01 Ostrov
- +420 604 393 063
- karlovyvary@inexmotor.cz
- www.inexmotor.cz
- Dolní Kamenná 1027/9, 360 05 Karlovy Vary, Rybáře
- +420 602 352 588
- fiser@fordfiser.cz
- www.fordfiser.cz
- Plzeňská 576, 364 01 Toužim
- +420 353 568 674
- autodieselservis@seznam.cz
- autodieselservis.cz
- Sedlecká 72, 360 10 Karlovy Vary, Sedlec
- +420 604 541 116
- ondrabalvin@gmail.com
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Plzeňská 181/11, 353 01 Mariánské Lázně, Úšovice
- +420 354 542 365
- Auto.Houska@seznam.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Nezvalova 73/7, 351 01 Františkovy Lázně, Slatina
- +420 722 442 622
- jindrich.spicka@atlas.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Tovární 1941, 358 01 Kraslice
- +420 775 672 711
- info@autoservis-asapex.cz
- www.autoservis-asapex.cz
- U Sadu 2711, 352 01 Aš
- +420 777 100 882
- info@autoservice-kv.cz
- www.autoservice-kv.cz
- Waldertova 670/6, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Drahovice
- no phone
- info@autocheb.cz
- www.autocheb.cz
- Pivovarská 1533/32, 350 02 Cheb
- +420 602 407 119
- tachoservis@seznam.cz
- www.autopneu-servis.cz
- ČSA 86, 357 03 Svatava
- +420 353 222 932
- autoservis@kolovratek.com
- honda-kolovratek.cz
- Stará cesta 116, 362 63 Dalovice, Všeborovice
Car battery check and change before winter
Ensuring your car battery is in top shape before winter hits is crucial for avoiding those dreaded cold morning no-starts. Here are some steps to check and change your car battery before winter: Checking Your Car Battery Changing Your Car Battery Additional Tips By following these steps, you can ensure your car battery is ready…
How to choose winter tires
Choosing the best winter tires can make a significant difference in your driving safety and comfort during the colder months. Here are some key factors to consider: By considering these factors, you can choose the best winter tires for your vehicle and driving conditions. Stay safe on the roads this winter! 🚗❄️ Sources: : Auto…
Tire size guide – How to read tire side wall
Choosing the right tire size for your vehicle is crucial for ensuring safety, performance, and fuel efficiency. Tires are the only point of contact between your vehicle and the road, so having the correct size and type of tire can make a significant difference in how your vehicle handles and operates. When it comes to…