ŠUDOMA s.r.o.
- 7:00–17:00
- +420 910 208 308
- recepce.trebic@sudoma.cz
- sudoma.cz/
- Žďárského 197, 674 01 Kožichovice
HYUNDAI UH člen skupiny AUTO UH – Jihlava
- 7:00–17:00
- +420 577 700 662
- jihlava@hyundaiuh.cz
- jihlava.hyundai.cz
- Vrchlického 592/69, 586 01 Jihlava, Horní Kosov
Autoservis – pneuservis MASTRA
- 7:00–15:30
- +420 777 248 258
- no email
- www.mastratuning.cz
- Hodějovická 2264, 393 01 Pelhřimov
Petr Brabenec
- 8:00–16:30
- +420 777 584 036
- petabrabenec@volny.cz
- www.autoservisdecin.cz
- Na Hrázi, 405 02 Děčín
- 8:00–16:00
- +420 723 113 300
- trubacj@seznam.cz
- www.autotrubac.cz
- Rudé armády 20, 431 44 Droužkovice
Radek Korejtko
- 8:00–17:00
- +420 603 479 584
- no email
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Na Pískách, 405 02 Děčín
HN Car
- 8:00–12:00, 13:00–16:30
- no phone
- hneuman@email.cz
- www.hncar.cz
- Drážďanská 109/121, 400 07 Ústí nad Labem, Krásné Březno
Autoservis – Pneuservis Jiří Franc
- 8:00–16:30
- +420 606 419 196
- autoservisfranc@seznam.cz
- www.autoservisfranc.cz
- Vražkov 105, 413 01
AUTOBEST Rychloservis
- 8:00–16:00
- +420 777 332 676
- autobestservis@seznam.cz
- www.autobest-servis.cz
- Dubská 133, 415 01 Teplice
Autoopravna Rudolf Rehn
- 8:30–12:00, 12:30–17:00
- +420 777 067 748
- rehn@email.cz
- https://www.auto-service.cz
- Libouchec 496, 403 35
- 7:00–16:00
- +420 602 320 099
- petrzelka14@seznam.cz
- www.petrzelka-dieselservis.cz
- Tovární 300, 417 61 Bystřany
Autoservis V Tůni
- 8:00–12:00, 13:00–16:00
- +420 415 215 307
- no email
- www.autoservisvtuni.cz
- V Tůni 942, 441 01 Podbořany
Seasonal tire shift rule in Czech Republic
Navigating Winter Roads: The Importance of Winter Tires in the Czech Republic As the winter season approaches, drivers in the Czech Republic are reminded of the critical importance of equipping their vehicles with winter tires. From November 1 to March 31, the law mandates the use of winter tires under certain conditions, emphasizing not only…
Car painting tips
Painting a car requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Here are some essential tips to ensure a successful car paint job:
All about STK – stanice technické kontroly
Technická kontrola (STK), also known as vehicle inspection, is a mandatory requirement for all motor vehicles in the Czech Republic. Let’s delve into the details: Remember, STK ensures your vehicle’s safety and compliance, so embrace it as part of responsible car ownership!Find auto services that perform STK preparation and STK tests by clicking here.